Thursday, November 19, 2009


It's all been very exciting in the last week or two! I got in contact with the other girl going to CSB, Elise! She's as excited as me, maybe even more, which I didn't think was possible! CSB has a facebook group, which I've joined, and now I'm facebook friends with something like 6 other CSB staff :) At least 3 of them have been there for like 5 years or something, and one of them was a camper before she became staff ! Must be worth going to I guess!!! I'm still sooooooo excited, I didn't think that was possible haha especially after Tuesday... finally got round to paying my 3rd deposit and medical insurance, $607. My bank account's not looking so happy anymore, poor thing. The 2nd deposit thing still hasn't come up on my CAD (code for Camp America Direct, I think someone never got taught how to count...
Anyway... after the minor down buzz of a sad bank account, I got an email from Dale at Travelcafe with an amazing looking quote for flights!!!! Highlight of my week I think! Super duper excited to see that I'm going through LAX (instantly thought of Miley haha) to BWI. Now, where on earth is BWI, you ask. Baltimore, Washington D.C.. Pretty much AWESOME! I think I'm gonna have to sing that song when I get off the plane haha "Good morning Baltimore.... ba da ba daaaaa I don't know anymore of the words...." If only I could sing, then it'd actually be entertaining haha.
Theres so many exciting things that come with knowing where and when you're flying, I have a countdown on my phone :) 188 days 21 hours 13 minutes until I leave Wellington! Well, maybe the minutes aren't exact, but I do really hope that the plane doesn't get delayed or anything, that would be lame and stressful.
Why is this thing called Biology? Good question. It's exam time at the moment, and today I had Bio. Oh, the joys. I was feeling well underprepared, not that you care, because I had to teach myself the whole subject because I go to a silly school. Anyway, at 1:59 pm and 30 seconds we were allowed to begin the exam. Opened the first page and what is there, but a map of America! So of course me being me, draws a cool line from L.A to Baltimore, with a plane and everything. It was the most exciting exam I've ever sat. And the rest of the exam went well, thanks for asking :)


  1. haha what a lucky test paper question! congrats on getting in the camp.

  2. It was quite awesome!! It made me ridiculously happy haha
    Thanks :) All the best for your application and stuff!
